Trigger your GCs with dotnet-fullgc!

Christophe Nasarre
4 min readMay 22, 2024



If you have read Microsoft documentation, you probably know that it is not recommended to trigger a garbage collection in your application code. However, in some troubleshooting cases, you might want to trigger a GC. For example, you don’t want to wait for a full gen2 compacting GC to figure out if your application is really leaking memory. For web applications, you can imagine having a hidden HTTP end point that simply call GC.Collect. What if you could simply call a command line tool to trigger a GC in any .NET application? This is exactly what my new dotnet-fullgc CLI tool is doing!

This Is The Way

If you have read a few of my past posts about the .NET diagnostics mechanisms, you know that you can send commands to another .NET process via EventPipes. Well… there is no explicit command to trigger a GC.

I have also explained how you could listen to events emitted by the CLR by enabling a provider with a set of keywords with a verbosity corresponding to the events you are interested in. This is how dotnet-trace and Perfview are collecting these events. If you want to trigger a GC, you simply need to enable the Microsoft-Windows-DotNETRuntime provider with the GCHeapCollect (= 0x800000L) keyword and an informal verbosity. Yes: it is as simple as that, and it is also working for .NET Framework!

So, you could trigger a GC with dotnet-trace via the following command line:

dotnet trace collect -p <process id> - providers Microsoft-Windows-DotNETRuntime:0x800000:4 - duration 00:00:01

However, a .nettrace file would be generated and it is not possible to pass parameters (more on this later).

The rest of this post shows the C# code to obtain the same result. With Microsoft.Diagnostics.NETCore.Client and TraceEvent, you create a DiagnosticsClient with the ID of the process you are interested in:

var client = new DiagnosticsClient(processId);

The next step is to start an EventPipe session with the right provider, keyword and verbosity:

var providers = new List<EventPipeProvider>()
new EventPipeProvider(
Arguments // more on this later
using (var session = client.StartEventPipeSession(providers, false))

The source must be processed in another thread to avoid blocking the main thread:

    Task streamTask = Task.Run(() =>
// without source to process, session.Stop() will not return
var source = new EventPipeEventSource(session.EventStream);


The question to answer is how to stop the session: just create another task that waits for a second before stopping the session to exit from the Process call:

    Task inputTask = Task.Run(() =>

Task.WaitAny(streamTask, inputTask);

That’s all!


Unfortunately, I faced a couple of issue during the implementation of the tool.

What is your number?

If you look at the TraceEvent implementation, you could imagine that is it possible to pass a GC ID as a parameter to the .NET provider:

// Summary:
// Triggers a GC. Can pass a 64 bit value that will be logged with the GC Start
// event so you know which GC you actually triggered.
GCHeapCollect = 0x800000L,

Unfortunately, this is not supported and the reasons are explained below.

If you check the .NET source code and look at EtwCallbackCommon(), you can indeed see that a numeric ID can be passed to ETW::GCLog::ForceGC(l64ClientSequenceNumber) and passed as ID in GCStart event instead of the one incrementally increased collection after collection.

At the diagnostics client level, you have the opportunity to pass a dictionary of key/value string pairs. This dictionary is used when defining the EventPipeProvider to be enabled:

Dictionary<string, string> arguments = new Dictionary<string, string>();
arguments.Add("Id", "42");
var providers = new List<EventPipeProvider>()
new EventPipeProvider(

The diagnostics client transforms the dictionary into a string with key=value pairs separated by ‘;’ such as “Id=42;AnotherId=AnotherValue;…” and serializes it as is in the payload when sending a CollectTraces command.

The question is what identifier is expected by the CLR? To answer this question, you need to look at the code of provider_invoke_callback. The “key=value;…” string is stored into a buffer and each = and ; characters are transformed into \0. So, “Id=42” is transformed into Id\042\0.

The next step is done by ep_event_filter_desc_init() that uses that buffer to fill up the 3 fields of an EventFilterDescriptor:

uint64_t ptr = address of the buffer
uint32_t size = size of the buffer (=6 for id\042\0)
uint32_t type = 0

And finally, EtwCallbackCommon receives the filterdata and tries the following to get the collection id:

if ((FilterData != NULL) &&
(FilterData->Type == 1) &&
(FilterData->Size == sizeof(l64ClientSequenceNumber)))
l64ClientSequenceNumber = *(LONGLONG *) (FilterData->Ptr);

As you can see, it will fail because:

  • the received type value is 0
  • the received size is not the size of a 64 bit number
  • the ptr field does not point to the value as 64 bit number (but as a string)

An issue has been filed with a possible fix.

Only one collection please!

When I test my dotnet-fullgc with dotnet-gcstats, I always see 2 collections!

We investigated with my colleague Kevin Gosse and he created an issue for that. The EtwCallback() function is called whenever a session is enabled or disabled. Unfortunately, the call to ForceGC is made in both cases: so, when the session is stopped, a second garbage collection is triggered.

Next steps

Feel free to install dotnet-fullgc on your machine with dotnet tool install -g dotnet-fullgc.

Next, use dotnet fullgc <process id> to trigger two gen2 full garbage collections in your running .NET processes.



Christophe Nasarre

Loves to understand how things work (MVP Developer Technologies)